
Monday, March 30, 2020

Bad peacock

This is a bad peacock I made out of leaves


  1. I would like to say this is a great start Ryan. I am sure you could modify it AND get some assistance from mum and dad. Let's see if they could do one and please post it when they finish. Happy learning journey ahead!!

  2. Awesome effort Ryan - persevere and have another go, perhaps try another animal? Don't give up.

  3. Hi Ryan,
    I really don't like this isolation thing! Because I am eating all of the time!! AND I really miss seeing the teachers and support staff, you guys and even Mr Herlihy!!
    I water blasted my fence over the weekend. It looks brand new! I'm really happy about that :-)
    I think you are on the right track with your picture. I like the bottom part of it, as it looks like feathers spread out. I think you could modify this and make it into a Ryanbird. It doesn't have to be an actual bird!!!
    Keep up the good work and remember to read as much as you can while you are not at school! Have you been using the Tamaki College Library?

  4. It looks nice, you tried your best, that's what matter, keep trying.
