
Thursday, November 12, 2020

My favorite movie from the manaiakalani film fest

This  is a movie that is about showing integrity and respect.  This is the link to my favorite movie

 my favorite movie

here is another link to all of the movies

all of the movies

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020



last term we had a Hangi at school.

First some people in my class were digging a huge hole behind the bike shed. They were doing this so that the food could cook in the ground. 

We had a look at the hangi and lots of people were coughing and gagging (not because of COVID-19) but because of smoke.  I had my jumper over my mouth to filter the air a bit more.

Some other people were peeling and chopping the vegetables to put in the Hangi.

 Miss Shannon bought a Kai cooker and we cooked some of the food in the cooker and some of it in the ground.  The stuff that went in the pit was very smokey and great.

It tasted nice but it was a bit raw. I did not like it that much.  

I know that lots of people liked or loved it a lot. We listened  to music and chatted with our friends. One of the teachers made my dad a huge plate full of hangi for dinner.  My dad ate a lot of the hangi and said that it was yum.  Personally I think the food was okay but I liked the togan one better.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

tea bag fun

 In Room 10 we were trying to make tea bags fly but Mr Raj was getting the wrong tea bags. Not once, not twice but 5 times 6 times lucky (hopefully).  

The next day I brought some more tea bags which were different. Some of them were flying low and one went right up to the roof.

I was happy when I saw my friends excited.

In my mind I saw fireworks exploding and raining ashes to the ground. Here is some science behind this experience.  

As the flame burns it heats the air inside the hollow center of the tea bag. As the air gets hotter the air molecules become less dense and move around. The less dense warmer air rises above the more dense cooler air around the tea bag. Since the tea bag is so light it rises with it so it  flies.

It felt so awesome to be part of the experience and having fun with my friends.

Monday, September 7, 2020




Monday, August 31, 2020

chocolate mousse

 This was a fun expireance making choco late mousse.  Our one was werid tasting but super sweet.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 This is my IXL
certificate.eIt was easy doing this because I know lots about it. It was fun doing the IXL because of the easyness and the answer position

Monday, August 24, 2020


Friday, August 21, 2020



Monday, August 17, 2020

My Harry Potter

Friday, August 7, 2020

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Friday, July 31, 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Cook island

Island Hopper Vacations Cook Islandslook at COOK ISLANDS huge and beatiful lagoon

12 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in the Cook Islands | PlanetWareThe Cook Islands are actually comprised of 15 islands, 13 of which are inhabited. Although the islands make up only 240 square kilometres of land, the ocean area in and around their borders totals 1.8 million square kilometres!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

tigers are my favorite animal

Austrian zoo unveils white tiger cubs | Greymouth StarAuckland Zoo – VR Queen StreetTwo beloved zoo animals euthanased due to health issues - NZ HeraldI like tigers because of there unique stripes and there cute fur/faces

Monday, June 29, 2020


Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

My Chromebook Digital Map

My most popular site is google
My 2 least popular sites are google maps and coconut site
My 2 others are google drawings and blogger

Monday, May 25, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Fun Buliding With Wood

Today Room 10 made some cars out out of wood and nails/screws. We got a new work bench.  it was fun banging down nails and sawing bits of wood.  That is me mesuring. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Experiment with water

This is the group I did a few Experiments with them the were all useing water 

Friday, May 1, 2020


This lego set is called a Lego mindstorm because it can drive around by itself.
It is very expensive ansd it cost my dad a lot of money.
 This Lego set casn change into lots of different set I made one before I made this one and it was like a person withn weopons and a cool as mowhawk.  There is also a snake one.  I think you would like to play with one of these.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dog In The Sandpit

This morning my dog dug a masive hole in the sand pit. It was so deep you could see the bottem of the sand pit.  When she had finished digging it she had sand all over her face.  She looked like sand man.  she ran all over the deck and got that sandy to.  what things has your pet been up to during lock down. Mabe you could post it on your blog.   STAY SAFE.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

lock down

How is your lockdown mineis going fine.  Fun because I get to play with my dog.  It is fun walking her and playing with my sister and dad.  We made a mindstorm robot that moves.  It is fun to code and play with.  I wonder what your lockdown.  I hope you all are safe have fun.

Thursday, April 9, 2020



Happy easter everyone.  Please stay safe.  Have a good holiday everyone.  good luck finding the treats at EASTER

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Today I am going to show you a plasma ball.  This plasma ball is made out of three gases. The gases are called NEON, ARGON and XENON .  Thes gases make electricity flow and when you put your finger on it a stronger bit of electricity goes and touches where the finger is.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

dogs that rule

Once upon a time there was a dog named Jam. He was the worst behaved dog in  the universe.  His best friend was another dog named Bread.  They ruled the world.  One day Hulk came along from Mars he saw the names and said "ooohhhh yum".  He went to find them.  When he found them he ate them up with an orange juice to wash them down.  Come tomorrow and we will continue.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Ryan's work on ANZAC day activity


This morning my mum and I made an anzac wreath out of egg cartons, paper and glue. we curt up the egg carton in to shapes like petals When it was hard we kept on going. I burnt my self 1 time. The glue was hot we used hot glue. It was fun!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lego truck

This morning my Dad and I were building lego we decided on building a tow truck out of a fork lift.

This is the end product. I like it alot because it has doors that can open It has stering It also has a bonet that can open and shut and also a moving piece that the broken down thing can clip on to.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Fun Bike Ride

This morning  My family and I went for a bike ride.  We rode all the way along West tamaki. It was so fun because we rode down the hill and saw the pukekos playing around.  It was hard riding up the hill besause the HiLl was steap I had so much fun. though I did have baked beans and toast after words.Bike Station 

Friday, April 3, 2020

My yummy lunch

Today we had yummy hot cross buns.  They had fake cherrys in them. They taste so nice.

The tastse nice because the also had orange skin In them. I think you should try them one day.

I perfer them with butter on the  them.  My mum made them with her fancy machaine  called the thormomix
Hot cross buns recipe - How to make traditional hot cross bunsThe Hot Cross Bun recipe to get you back into the Easter spiritTraditional Hot Cross Bun - 6-Pack - Bakers Delight New Zealand

Thursday, April 2, 2020

cool tree

I think this tree is interesing because It has yellow at the top and green at the bottem. Mabe you could try and find a tree that has 2 differnt coulours there are lots around🌳🌳🌲

10 kids in a family

10 kids in a family

If I was a member of a family with ten children in the 1800s I think I  would feel irritated most of the time and this is why….

I would feel annoyed because we would fight over the toys like the wooden trains and wooden hula hoops.

We would fight over the best toys and the big kids would get  annoyed because we were fighting over the toys and making a lot of noise.
And we would fight over who is the best kid.

Space would be a big problem because I would have to share a bed and a room with  my siblings. It will be a struggle because we will have small beds and big siblings and lots of us. It will be hard and we will not get much sleep because we will be crowded in our beds.

 I think we would fight over the nice food and the sweet and savoury food that comes from the sea or the land like kumara and corn.

It will be hard to feed the family because we will need a lot of food because there are so many people.

It will be hard because we will sometimes not have enough to eat

There are lots of reasons why I think that it would be hard to have a lot of children in the family.


This some shapes I did

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


My Favourite Food

My favourite food comes from Mexico, it is called the Quesadilla.
They are different from tacos because it consists of a tortilla that is filled
with cheese and sometimes meats, beans and spices.

They taste nice if you put spicy sauce in them.
They are my favourite because the are nice and savoury.  I prefer them
with hot spicy sauce - I like sweet chilli sauce poured inside.

I think you all should try quesadillas I think most of you would like them alot. 
Here is a recipe.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What I want to be when I grow up

I would like to be a drift car driver and race as a pro.

These are some cars I would like to drive when I am older 

I like to go fast and make lots and lots of noise

I will need good skills and I will need a good car that is suitable for drifting


 This is some maths I had to do using an online protracator

Monday, March 30, 2020

Bad peacock

This is a bad peacock I made out of leaves

same but differint

Friday, March 27, 2020

school work at home


This Is my octobuffnar dragon It is part octopus, narwahl, dog, buffalo, komodo dragon and turtle.

To me it is unusual to mack unsemitrecal

Monday, March 23, 2020


can you see this writing

But you can see and read this one it is the camera covered by a special plastic